Archaeology of Fort Fair Lawn
12:00PM - Interpretive Center
The South Carolina Battleground Trust's Doug Bostick and Mike Yianopoulos present “The Archaeology of Fort Fair Lawn”.
The program will offer a review of the archaeological research at Fort Fair Lawn. Bostick and Yianopolous will discuss the extant features of this remarkable British earthwork redoubt, why it was built, and its history at Fair Lawn Barony. The session will reveal some of the fascinating artifacts recovered at Fort Fair Lawn.
Colonial "Who Knew"?
10:30AM - Interpretive Center
Dr. Michael Heitzler presents “Colonial Who Knew”.
Our Carolina colonial history is replete with dynamic yet little-known personalities, shocking events, and mystical realities that persistently shaped our past and forge our future. "Who knew" -- until now!
The Barbados Model
1:30PM - Interpretive Center
Our third lecture spotlight is Barbados and the Carolinas Legacy Foundation!
South Carolina's colonial settlers from Barbados have left an undeniable imprint on the Lowcountry. They also brought the "Barbados Model"- the system - an unwritten manual about best practices for setting up and running a profitable colony. Let's examine the "Barbados Model."
Rhoda Green is Barbados' Honorary Consul to South Carolina and the founder and CEO of Barbados and the Carolinas Legacy Foundation: www.barbadoscarolinas.org.
Francis Marion
2:30PM - Interpretive Center
Our final event lecture will be by David Reuwer of the SC Battleground Preservation Trust.
Hear about Gen. Francis Marion like you have never thought of him before! The legendary Swamp Fox, the myths and facts about him, and the Man behind it all. He does more than you might have imagined!